Trainees Register Themselves
When you want an employee or manager to train, simply direct them to the Opus Training login. There the trainee enters your dealership phone number, their name, the last four digits of their social security number, and their employment type (managerial/non-managerial). They are immediately registered and ready to train. No importing or pre-loading needed.

A Complete
Testing Solution
Trainees are required to take a test covering the information in every course they take. When a trainee passes a test, you have a strong indication the trainee understands the material presented. You also have compelling evidence that you have taken reasonable care to prevent and eliminate sexual harassment and discrimination in your dealership. If needed, trainees and/or the authorized administrator can print test results as well as a certificate of successful completion for each training course.

Records & Reports
Every significant aspect of your training is tracked and recorded. Every answer to every question on every test for every trainee becomes a part of your dealership records in Opus Training. You can view and print reports quickly and easily in a wide variety of ways – including by employee, employee type, course, and time frame. These records and reports are available online to the authorized administrator 24/7. Dealership records can even be exported as a .CSV (comma separated values) file and opened in programs such as Microsoft Excel, or imported into third-party HR systems.

Provides Critical Documentation
One of the key components of an effective sexual harassment and discrimination prevention program is the maintenance of proper records. Opus Training provides easy administration of trainee tests, records and reports – critical documentation if you ever have a claim or lawsuit.

Access Anytime, Anywhere
Opus Training provides quick, easy, and intuitive access to the features of the training system as well as the information you need about your trainees. You can access these features and information at any time from your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer using a modern web browser. The interface adapts to display perfectly on any screen.